“Application and Use are the essence of technology. This means, Nanotechnology is the Frontier for Engineering and Management to establish an industry.”
Dr. Anthony F. Laviano, Chairman & Founder NANOWorld®

NANOWorld® and Northrop Rice
Advanced Institute of Technology

The Northrop Rice Advanced Institute of Technology (NRAIT), in cooperation with NANOWorld®, is a collaborative education and research platform for the benefit of the business, education and engineering communities. NRAIT’s center piece focus is the application and use of nanotechnology and integrating it into products that are being manufactured today. NRAIT’s cornucopia of advanced technologies includes the macro, micro, nano, and pico scales. The understanding and integration of these scales will lead the way in tomorrow’s product strategy solutions.

NRAIT works in collaboration with NANOWorld® and institutions and agencies for the purposes of economic development, workforce education and providing Community Outreach educational programs. NRAIT and NANOWorld®, are actively involved in e-Education, conferences and seminars as well as Global information exchange and participation.

NRAIT investigates advanced technology that is being undertaken worldwide by locating and identifying companies that are applying advanced technologies. As an open education research platform, NRAIT shares its results and discoveries, and advocates collaboration in all of its activities via NANOWorld®.





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